To establish a self-reliant society enriched with social, economic, educational, and environmental prosperity.
The mission of HWEPC (Human Welfare and Environment Protection Center) is to empower communities and facilitate the establishment of a self-reliant society enriched with social, economic, educational, and environmental prosperity. HWEPC is dedicated to integrating climate and disaster resilience, good governance, gender equality and social inclusion (GESI), human rights, and sustainable livelihood practices across all sectors.
Social Enrichment: Foster social cohesion, inclusivity, and resilience by addressing social inequalities, promoting GESI, strengthening community engagement and social mobilization, while integrating climate and disaster resilience and good governance principles in social development initiatives.
Economic Empowerment: HWEPC is committed to empowering individuals and communities by promoting sustainable economic development. This involves facilitating access to economic opportunities, supporting entrepreneurship, and providing training and resources for income generation, leading to improved livelihoods and reduced poverty.
Educational Advancement: HWEPC strives to enhance educational opportunities and promote lifelong learning for individuals of all ages. This includes initiatives to improve access to quality education, vocational training, and skill development programs. HWEPC also focuses on promoting awareness and knowledge about environmental sustainability and conservation.
Environmental Protection: Advocate for environmental conservation, sustainable resource management, climate change mitigation, and adaptation measures, while integrating climate and disaster resilience, GESI, and livelihood considerations in environmental initiatives.